domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Aspects to consider when writing


Writing is a productive skill  that allows people to communicate their message. However, writing is not a simple process it  involves many aspects to consider, for example: text types it means what genre the writer is going to use according to his or her purpose and these could be essays, articles, stories, letters, emails, or poems, and depending on the text types writers must consider the register, degrees of formality and vocabulary they are going to use to make the product intelligible and to make that the product fixes a situation properly. Another important aspect to consider when writing is cohesion and it make it possible it is necessary to use linkers  to connect ideas, sentences and paragraphs. 
Furthermore, it is necessary to follow a process in order to write correctly.

  • First, developing ideas or brainstorming. 
  • Then it is necessary to organize or plan the ideas
  • After that the firts draft comes.
  • Editing what you have written will allow yo to correct any mistake and improve the content.
  • Proofreading allows you to correct errors in accuracy. 
  • Finally re-drafting in this step you write your final version.
Writing needs a process to follow and many aspects to consider to get a good product but it is also a manner of practice, and reading is an excellent tool that will help you to improve your writing skills. 

  • Mary Spratt, A. P. (2011). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1, 2 and 3. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
  • The writing process. Rertieved from

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