lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Bloom's Taxonomy for writing lesson objectives

Bloom’s Taxonomy was created by Benjamin Bloom to stablish and set and write objectives correctly. Many students and teachers have troubles at writing objectives for their lessons so, it is necessary to learn how to classify levels of learning but in a way that we can measure them.
For teachers it is crucial to set objectives to plan their lessons and make them meaningful for students. By making lesson plans with clear objectives teachers and students can have an organized class in which tasks and learning outcomes will be stablish in a correct way. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy objectives must be stablish according to learning outcome teachers want students to achieve at the end of each lesson. 
Thus, it is necessary to apply Bloom’s Taxonomy at writing objectives in order to create a good lesson plan, stablish meaningful tasks that help students to develop fluency and accuracy when using the language to communicate . 

·         Cambridge dictionary. Retrieved from
·         Mary Spratt, A. P. (2011). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course Modules 1, 2 and 3. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press
     Anderson and Krathwohl. (2001) Bloom's Taxonomy 



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